Blast The Baby FAT

It's hard to find time right now to do the whole work-out routine, so we are concentrating most of our efforts on watching what we eat. We'll try our best to post what we eat and how many points are consumed. Wish us luck because we have some fat to lose!

Joe's weight tracker

Total Pounds Lost Since 10/02/08:

Rachael's weight loss tracker

Total Pounds Lost Since 10/02/08:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stupid Pull-Up Bar


I ate...

Cereal - 4
Lunch - 13
Dinner - 9
Ice-Cream - 8
Total: 34

Activity: 112 Pushups, 12 reps 35lbs each arm dumbbell curls

I'm bummed because I bought this pull-up bar that goes in the door frame, but all my door frames are too weak to support me. I know, I'm fat right? So I've been doing 10 reps of 35lbs per arm using an old dumbbell I found instead. I try and find time in the day to do that and push-ups anyway.

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